AAP brings Punjab to bankruptcy, criminal waste of public money : Tarun Chugh


Chandigarh, Oct 29

BJP national general secretary Tarun Chugh today said that Punjab under the AAP government is increasingly falling in a debt trap bringng the state to financial bankruptcy. 

He said the economy of the state stands paralysed as the state government is unable to provide salaries on time. 

He said it was alarming  that Punjab is taking loan of Rs 11000 crore to pay  interest on the loan it has raised.

The AAP government has been flagrantly destroying the state economy by indulging in extravagant expenditures. 

The decision to buy a fleet of 160 vehicles for VIPs is alarming. 

The AAP government has wasted more than Rs 20 crore of the public money for advertisements in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh. 

It’s time the state wakes up to criminal waste of public money that it had been doing. 

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