Milind Parande Central Secretary General Vishwa Hindu Parishad,statement


Vishwa Hindu Parishad Central General Secretary Shri Milind Parandeji said at a press
conference at the Vishwa Hindu Parishad state office that the fruits of reservation should not go
applied to converts. Vishwa Hindu Parisad agitation programs are being carried out across the
country in this regard. Especially in Andhra Pradesh, Christian conversions are on the rise. The
Vishwa Hindu Parishad Is off the openion that the state government is supporting this, In Andhra
The salaries paid by to mullahs, moulives and posters should be stopped immediately.
Reservations should be stopped for pastors who take these titles. Article 27 of the Constitution
makes it clear that the amounts collected in the form of taxes from the public should not be used
for religious activities. Giving salaries to these persons is an unconstitutional act. The
government should stop this immediately.
SC, ST castes are getting jobs on reservations and converting to other religions. Converts
should be removed from jobs obtained through reservations. The state government should take
steps to ensure that reservations apply only to Hindus. For this the Vishwa Hindu-Parishad
agitation program will be undertaken.
There have been attacks on temples in the state. Idols were demolished, temples were
demolished, and chariots were burned. Thefts of jewelery and hundis are rampant. So far no
one was arrested or convicted nor taken to court. Stand before the court. This is a testament to
the state government’s different attitude towards Hindus. Would the government be so
indifferent if similar attacks were made on other religions?
The Government of Andhra Pradesh has transformed the Devadaya Charitable Department into
the Deva Revenue-Money Revenue Department and has been focusing on temples to increase
the sources of income from the common Hindus, Thus trying to wean away from temples.
Examples include raising service ticket prices, increasing room rents, increasing parking fees
and raising rates of sewas, The government is betraying the Hindus by appointing pagan employees in the temples, corrupt
people in the governing bodys. The government should immediately remove pagans from jobs
and governing bodies to curb the rampant Christian raise.
The Devadaya Charitable Trust should conduct an extensive campaign of Hindu Dharma up to
the village level and bring back the converts who have converted to other religions from
Hinduism. If this is not possible then the Devadaya Charitable Trust should be abolished and the
management of Hindu temples should be handed over to an autonomous Dharmika Mandali in
such a way that Hindus can manage their own institutions including temples.
About 49 temples were demolished by the state government in Vijayawada during the last
Krishna Pushkarams and they have not yet been rebuilt.. Therefore, the demolished temples
should be rebuilt immediately and the deities reinstalled for giving a chance to Darsan.
The Vishwa Hindu Parishad is demanding the implementation of the above. We are announcing
that the Vishwa Hindu Parishad will launch a state-wide agitation to achieve afore said issues, if
they are not complete with immediately by the government.

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