Abdullahs, Muftis exploited J&K people for decades under the garb of Article 370 : Tarun Chugh


 New renaissance has come in J&K post-370 era : Chugh

Srinagar, Aug 03:

 BJP General Secretary Tarun Chug on Wednesday said that the Supreme Court is the guardian of the rights of individuals and weaker sections of the society who were deprived of their rights before abrogation of Article 370.

“They are just doing politics. What they mean by justice. Did they forget women of J&K were sufferers, while tribal population including Paharis, Valmakis, SCs, STs and West Pakistan refugees were deprived of their rights.

He said that they have been  misleading the people of Jammu and Kashmir by their slogan of justice. “The Article 370 has been  the biggest hindrance in the development of Jammu and Kashmir, especially the weaker sections,” he said. 

Tarun Chugh, BJP Leader

A large number of public welfare steps have been taken for the J&K people ever since Article 370 was done away with and a new era has dawned upon the Union Territory.

He J&K has moved away from terrorism to tourism, from bullets and stones to new education and development.

People have realised how Abdullahs and Muftis kept them in the dark all these years and played to the tunes of Pakistan ISI to deprive people of development and progress, Chugh added.

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